Monday, 28 January 2013

Singapore: The Art of the Brick at the ArtScience Museum.

Right, so I know I only posted a blog last night but what I did this morning was so brilliant I had to share it!  Now despite being 20 years old, I do have a slight thing for Lego... Some of you are probably aware, some definitely won't be! I know that sounds ridiculous but it does kind of fascinate me. I used to spend hours playing with it when I was a kid and I still today can't resist if I see a set hanging about. It's hugely iconic. I enjoy experimentation with it, especially when it is sculpted and presented in ways like I saw today. The exhibition follows American born Nathan Sawaya who uses Lego to create art. He builds a range of models such as Human bodies, Household items, Logo's and even portraits (which are exceptionally clever)!  As the pictures show below he has made some truly amazing things out of standard Lego bricks...

The exhibition shows you his journey from a small set of bricks and how he transforms them into a work of art. It reveals his influences for his work and it discusses whether his work should even be considered art. After all, without Lego he wouldn't have been able to produce his work. You then get to have your photo transformed into Lego Bricks! I found this rather fun and messed about for a while :) After seeing the final piece (A huge 80,000 piece dinosaur which was stunning; and took months to complete!), you were lead into the creativity area where you could step on a huge lego floor, try the finger maze which was impossible, or just have a go at building something.

I was truly blown away by it. If I was a child I don't know what I would have done! It was definitely one of my favourite experiences of my trip so far. That might seem barmy to a lot of people but what can I say, I like Lego ha! I ended up buying the limited edition official book as well because I was so impressed!

To get the general gist of his stuff, have a look at me with the Lego man in the chair: